Self-Care Corner

Welcome to my cozy self-care corner for creative entrepreneurs like yourself!

As you're building your business online and working from home, it's easy to lose track of time, work, and self. That's where these resources come in - meditations to reduce stress, journal prompts to spark introspection, free worksheets to declutter your life and build healthy habits, and self-care courses to nurture your well-being and avoid burnout. Enjoy!


Journal prompts
  • Guided Journaling Sessions: Set your monthly intentions with me LIVE on InsightTimer for FREE! Click here to find out when the next journaling session takes place.

  • Free Journal Prompts Ebook: Zoom out of your busy life with my free Ebook.


  • Free Guided Meditations: Take a quick mental break and meditate with me for 1 minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes on InsightTimer.

When you spread yourself too thin and struggle to stay focused because there are so many things you want to do, your body will catch up with you and you'll end up feeling burned out, frustrated, and disappointed in yourself.

By wanting to do MORE, you end up not being able to do anything at all.

Free Well-Being Worksheets

  • The 4-Step Bedtime Routine: A quick 4-step routine to close off your day and get your mind off of your to-do list so you can sleep like a baby. Download here

  • Weekly Review Template: Start every week with more clarity and focus with this quick weekly review

  • The Overthinking Emergency Kit: 10 steps to stop overthinking right now. Download here and keep your toolkit at hand whenever you feel your mind won't stop racing.

Icons made by Becris